4 Things to Know About Getting Divorced in Lake Tahoe

Getting a divorce in Lake Tahoe can be a challenging thing for couples who no longer wish to be in a relationship. There are many things that divorcees must consider before pursuing a legal divorce. This time can be incredibly emotionally trying and frustrating consider the number of steps that have to be taken in order to successfully become divorced. Fortunately, we have some information from a Tampa divorce attorney that will help clarify the entire process. Here are 4 things you need to know about getting a divorce in Lake Tahoe 

The Waiting Process 

There is a six month waiting period that must be taken in order to successfully become divorced from someone else. This time is necessary in order to make a divorce final and can cause a lot of strain for individuals wishing to end their relationship immediately. It should also be noted that the waiting period doesn’t begin whenever you file your petition. It only begins whenever an individual is served with a summons to appear in court. This is important information that any individual looking to get divorced needs to know before they file. It will take time for this process to resolve itself and patience is required to make it through this. 

Parents Must Agree on Visitation Rights 

It is important to understand that parents must agree on who will get to have visitation rights for their children. Unfortunately, some parents are not amicable enough to figure this process out on their own. They have become spiteful of each other and do not wish to cooperate. Both parents will need to receive child custody recommending counseling if this scenario unfolds. A counselor will then evaluate the situation and make a decision that is based upon the best outcome possible. However, this can be taken further into the Family Court Services if there are problems that need to be considered. 

Assets Must Be Divided Properly 

Assets will need to be divided among the divorcees whenever they decide to get a divorce. This means that property, assets, and even finances must be properly divided. Normally, an attorney is involved in this process. They will help divvy up the assets and come to an agreement with both parties. However, this process has left some divorcees without much left over from the divorce. It is important to consider your legal options during this time to ensure that you receive a fair amount of the assets that you and your ex-spouse worked to receive. 

Child Support 

An ex-spouse may be entitled to child support depending on various factors. Income is a major aspect that is used to determine the court’s ruling on this action. More often than not, the ex-husband is required to pay child support for children in a divorce. However, some claim that this situation is unfair and punishing at times. This is a legal battle that requires the sharpest minds like a Tampa divorce attorney that you can trust. You want to ensure that you do not receive the short end of the stick in this exchange. 

Divorces Can Be Tough 

No one expects to get a divorce. We marry our spouses expecting to be with them for the rest of our lives. Unfortunately, 40% to 50% of marriages end in divorce in America. This is a disheartening fact that can persuade many people to not get married in the first place. Regardless of this fact, you want to find the best legal representation to help you during this time. A Tampa divorce attorney is your best bet on the frontlines of the legal system. Use this guide to help inform yourself of the divorce process in Lake Tahoe to give you a fighting chance in court.